Soul Deep (Triton Security Book 1) Read online

Page 9


  It would be comical really, if it wasn’t so detrimental to my end goal—Becca as my wife. I watch her out there, winding herself up. When I first woke up, I realized that my cock had escaped my boxer briefs and had landed home.

  The feel of her soft silky thighs surrounding my cock was too much for my groggy brain, and I thrust before I could remind myself that Becca’s an innocent, and a skittish one at that.

  I almost groaned out loud when I felt her whole body go still, and then promptly flopped out of bed so fast, I was surprised her little feet didn’t catch fire.

  I pretended to be asleep and watched with hooded eyes as her cheeks blushed so hot, they looked like cherries. As soon as I heard the door open and close, I knew she had gone outside. Getting up, I got some coffee going and have been watching her outside from the kitchen. Initially, she appeared embarrassed, and maybe a little lusty. Then it steadily changed to tension, then absolute agony, then finally, determination.

  I can almost feel the pain, and I instinctively know where her thoughts went. Initially, my cock and arousal may have sent her running, but it’s that fucked up little head of hers that will be her own worst enemy.

  Where she sees flaws, I see a flawless beauty.

  Where she hears the bullshit society spews about size and shape, I see hips soft enough to cradle mine, and breasts big enough to fill my palms.

  I love hearing the random shit that pops out of her mouth. She speaks her mind and is honest about her feelings, and that gives me a sense of peace at times.

  Now if I could just get her to be as open with her emotions and give me a chance to reassure her, that would be awesome.

  Sadly, I think this might be a little like leading a horse to water and forcing it to drink.

  “Man, she’s worked herself up into a right and proper snit,” someone says right next to my ear, and I’m sad to say, I jump about a foot in the air before I turn around and grab the man by the neck. He squawks and immediately starts smacking my hand. His lips are moving, trying to say something. As my heart finally finds its regular rhythm, I let the man go.

  “Who the fuck are you!” I snap

  “J-Jace! I’m friends with Becca.”

  I snort. “No man is just friends with a woman like Becca.” Now it’s his turn to laugh.

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m on Becca’s team. I want nothing to do with the wet parts of a woman. I’m more of a twig and berries man myself.” He winks, and I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “Any advice?” I ask as I watch her load up another log, which she appears to be yelling at, then flips it off.

  “Slow and steady with that one. I’ve never met a woman like her. She’s unique in everything she does, honest with her opinions, closed with her emotions, confident, and yet so insecure, it’s painful at times. She needs a strong, unwavering presence in her life. Someone who’s devoted to her, and yet at the same time, someone who will call her on her shit, because when that woman gets on a roll, she’s hell on wheels, and unfortunately, it’s usually something that she feels she’s lacking or needs to change about herself.”

  She misses the next log and lets out a screech. Throwing the axe, which only goes about three feet, she starts kicking the chopping block.

  “Suppose I should go out there and tackle this one head-on since I know what brought it on. Although, I’m thoroughly enjoying the show, so I’m disinclined to stop it. That being said, the issue I need to tackle might not be something that you want to hear.” I wink at him.

  He laughs his way out the door, and I take a fortifying breath and head out to smooth the ruffled feathers of my woman.

  “You stupid piece of timber! I hate you! I’m going to burn you tonight and I’m going to laugh my fucking ass off!”

  She kicks it again and it goes sailing. “I’m going to burn you, and then I’m going to put you out by pissing on you, and then I’ll light you up and start all over again.”

  “You think you can stop the verbal abuse of wood for a moment so we can have a chat?”

  She screeches and grabs a handful of dirt and leaves and throws them at me. “I hate you and your stupid giant penis!” She kicks some more dirt at me, and I just sit there and grin.

  “Why, pray tell, are you so angry at my cock?”

  She sputters, “B-Because!”

  “Because is not an answer. It’s a very poor excuse for an answer.”

  She squeezes her hands into fists next to her ears and screams.

  “Come here, Becca.”

  She shakes her head in a firm no.

  “Now, love.”

  Her shoulders heave when the word ‘love’ leaves my mouth.

  “I’m not asking again, Becca. You won’t like the consequence, I promise you that.”

  She slowly starts shuffling my way, and once she’s within inches of me, I wrap my hands around her and pull her into a hug.

  “I don’t mean to alarm you, Tris, but I think there was a large snake in our bed this morning.”

  Burying my face in her hair, I work hard not to burst out laughing.

  “Tris, I know jack shit about penis’s, sex, or relationships. I’m scared I’m going to bomb this. Scared that folks are going to see us out and wonder why the Stay Puff Marshmallow woman is dating a beautiful man such as yourself. I’m just worried, and when I get worried, I don’t just think on the one single thing I’m worried about, such as being split in two by that weapon of mass panty destruction you’re packing. Every insecurity comes out of the woodwork, every self-doubt, and loads of other shit.”

  “It’ll fit, I promise.”

  She looks at me like I’m crazy.

  “I don’t give a single shit what anyone else thinks when they see us. When I see us, I see a lifetime of learning every beautiful curve God saw fit to grant you. I see years of happiness, I see a family, and I see love.”

  “You should work for Hallmark,” she mumbles.

  “Baby steps,” I tell her, kissing her temple.

  “Baby steps.”

  “Step one, get cleaned up, get breakfast, show me your town.”

  “You need to meet Jace.”

  “Met him this morning.” She looks at me in shock, and I wince. “He startled me. I was focused on watching you and didn’t hear him.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “He’s a delicate flower and non-violent. You didn’t beat him up, did you?”

  “I only scared him a little bit. We talked it out, and he gave me some insight.”


  I push her toward the house and pop her a good one on the butt. I chuckle when she squawks.

  “Insight the man says…I’ll give him some insight, some insight into my foot up his ass if he does that shit again.”

  “Heard that!” I tell her.


  I have on a pair of ladybug rain boots, black leggings, my favorite fishing shirt that says, “Master Baiter,” with a pic of a fish on a hook and a plaid shirt tied around my waist. After breakfast, Tristan and I decided that since we were up so early, we would go fishing at Lettica Lake, and then hit the Potbelly for lunch.

  I grab a big floppy sun hat and stuff my insecurities to the back of my mind and concentrate on having a good day.

  Walking into the living room, I find Tristan on the phone in a pair of shorts, tennis shoes, and a short sleeve shirt, showing off his sexy arms.

  I come up behind him and wrap my arms around his middle, shoving my nose in his back. He grabs my hands and runs his finger along my knuckles. His conversation registers, and I don’t know if I should be scared or excited.

  “Rayleen Davies, yes.” He turns around and wraps me up in a hug.

  “Just get basic info, like marital status, address. I’ll do some more in-depth searches when I get home.” He huffs out a breath. “Fine. Jesus, Miranda, this is a personal favor for a friend. Anything you find is to be kept confidential, off Triton books. I will be back on Monday, but send me updates; I
have my laptop. Yes, that’s fine, Bye.”

  “You’re looking into Carter’s girl?”

  “He needs closure. He needs to either see her happy to move on, or if she’s unhappy or in a bad situation, he needs a reason to fight.”

  Standing in my living room with Tristan’s arms around me, is just about the best feeling in the world. I know we planned on going fishing, but what I really want to do is lay down on the couch and use his big body and take a nap.

  “You ready?” he asks. I put my ear to his chest, listening to his voice rumble as he chuckles. “You trying to bury your way in there, darling? You’re already in there so deep, I would have no hope of ever getting you out. Not that I would want to, but still.”

  Pushing away, I look up at him and see his eyes, and he looks confused. Then I look down and notice he’s reading my shirt.

  Understanding dawns and he bursts out laughing.

  “Very nice, darling.” He spins me to the door and pops me on the butt. I whirl around, ready to tear into him, and I watch in awe as he reaches down and adjusts the tent in his shorts. I smirk. My ass is burning, but now he has blue balls. I resist making the nana-nana boo-boo motion. I’m an adult, after all…sort of.

  You might say I’m a fishing fanatic. It was the one thing me and Mom did when we moved up here that gave me peace and quiet. When I moved to Denver, I got rid of a lot of my gear, so Jace helped me gear up with new poles, flies, tackle boxes, and fishing nets.

  I also bought some super sexy waders like Bo had on. I suspect I’m not nearly as sexy in mine though. Tristan just about burst a blood vessel he laughed so hard.

  I told him to take his big sexy ass down the shore, and the ass laughed the entire way. Every time I glance his way, I can see him smile, and I could’ve sworn I saw him snap a picture. When we get home, I’m tackling his ass and performing an intensive photo search.

  I bought a membership to the Red Feather Lakes Association so I can fish the private lakes. Jace is in town for a meeting with the HOA he helps run. When we stopped by to buy Tristan a day pass, Jace was bouncing around like an excited kid at Christmas when I came in, holding hands with Tristan.

  I just cast out my line, and truth be told, I’m roasting and pooped out. We’ve been out here for hours, and I haven’t caught a single thing. Tristan, on the other hand, caught six. Only two were keepers, and wonder of all wonders, he says he’s cooking the fresh fish he caught tonight. I snorted

  “Come on, you slimy little suckers, bite already!”

  “You know, the louder you are, the less likely you are to catch one. They can feel the vibrations in the water when you yell like that.”

  I scream like a little bitch and proceed to trip and fall in the freaking water—head under, and my waders fill full of fucking water.

  I come up sputtering to see a smiling Bo on the shore.

  “Holy cow, dude! You scared the poo out of me.”

  “Sorry about that. I was looking for Jace.”

  I smile at him and start making my way to the shore, where he grabs my hand and helps me step up. He then loses the battle and laughs his ass off, but when he sees a charging Tristan headed up the shore, he instantly goes on alert.

  “Get your hands off my fucking woman.” Bo grins and looks down at me.

  Jace is going to be pissed he missed this, I think to myself.

  Tristan grabs me and slings me behind him. “Tris, chill, he’s Jace’s.” Then I realize what I said and close my eyes, mortified. “What I mean is...shit.” I can feel Tristan shaking, and I know the fucker’s laughing.

  “I mean, not Jace’s, Jace’s, not like a boyfriend. More like a crush, or a hope, or a dirty…” Tristan flips around and covers my mouth. “I get the point, babe.” I smile behind his hand.

  My leggings are soaked. Pulling off my waders, I dump a gallon of water out of them.

  “Jace isn’t here. He’s at a meeting with the board,” I tell Bo.

  “I see. Could you give him something for me?”

  “You bet.”

  He grins, and then my phone starts ringing. I pull it out of my soaked bra. I already dropped one phone in the lake, so I got smart and put this one in a Ziploc bag.

  “Hello,” I answer with a smile.

  “Rebecca Jane, how dare you not tell me!” she yells.

  “I did! You didn’t believe me, and then you and Roger started reenacting McClintock! The dirty version!”

  Tristan bursts out laughing, and I hand the phone to him and turn my attention back to Bo, who’s grinning like a loon.

  “So, I’m Jace’s, huh?”

  I just give him my best blank face.

  “You’re funny. Your silence tells me more than that forced blank look you’re trying for, which, by the way, makes you look constipated.”

  “Oh hell. Yes, you’re his. He wants to snuggle up with you on cold nights and make body heat. Friction, ya feel me?”

  His lips quirk.

  He hands me an envelope and walks away, shaking his head. I look down and see “Jace” written in aggressive writing, all caps.

  “Bye, Bo!”

  He waves at me, still shaking his head, and I smile, then frown this letter could contain good news or shit news?

  My phone is handed back to me and I put it up to my ear. “Hello?”

  “Okay, baby, I’m headed out. I’ll call you later. I have to run to the bookstore and stock up on wedding magazines.” I hang up and turn to look at Tristan, with my best ‘you better run’ look.

  He plants his feet and gives me the universal sign for ‘come and get me.’ So I pounce, like the sleek and fierce ninja I am. I would have Jackie Chan shaking in his boots. However, the instant I hit his big body, it’s like hitting a brick wall. I’m hanging on his neck, legs around his waist, trying to get him off balance, but sadly, I don’t even think I moved his big ass an inch. Between one breath and the next, I find I like the next position much better. My back is pushed up against the car, legs around his waist, and my hands are over my head.

  “What exactly are you trying to do, babe?”

  I lean in and kiss him, just a small, soft peck. I pull back, and with my lips against his ear, I whisper, “I’m going to wait until you’re asleep and confiscate your phone and delete any and all photos of me in my fishing getup, and then I’m going to shave your legs.”

  He cracks up laughing and kisses me right back. “You ready to head home and fry up some fish?”

  “Yup. Wow me with your culinary abilities, master chef.”

  He kisses me again before he heads off to round up his stuff, but not before popping me on the bum yet again.

  “Payback, Tris, is a bitch.” He laughs…the ass.


  My eyes pop open, and the oxygen immediately evacuates my lungs and lust punches a hole in my brain. Yesterday we woke up and my cock slipped the confines of my boxer briefs. Becca bolted like a scared colt that came too close to a snake.

  Today, there’s a curiosity to her wiggling, and I know she’s awake. I stay as still as possible as she adjusts her legs, wiggling her ass back against me.

  My fingers grip her hip, and I smile against the back of her neck.

  “You awake?” she whispers.

  “Yes,” I say, nuzzling her neck.

  I can feel the goosebumps race across her skin and I smile.

  I lay the softest of kisses along her neck. “Can I touch you?” You know that feeling of anticipation, the quivering in your middle, like you just drank a gallon of high octane coffee and touched a live wire?

  If you took that and multiplied it by a hundred, that’s what it feels like. Six years of denial, millions of hand jobs with her face at the forefront of my mind. My balls feel like basketballs, and I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard in my entire life. The teenager in me wants to get a tape measure and see if maybe I gained a couple inches because no shit, it feels like the skin on my dick is going to split from being so fucking hard.

  She sucks in a breath as I thrust just a tiny bit. “Yes,” she gasps. “Please.”

  I know she can feel how bad my hands are shaking, and I feel a moment of embarrassment until her hand’s clamp around my wrist. She slides my hand up under her shirt and over her breast. Burying my face in her neck, I trail my lips up her neck to her jaw.

  My thumb is resting against her nipple, and the anticipation is fucking killing me, but Bec is virgin, and I have no idea if she’s fooled around. Though, considering the way she reacted the other day, I’m trying to move at a snail’s pace, but it’s literally killing me.

  “Tristan?” Fuck, she’s going to call a stop to this.


  “Touch me. Touch me like you want to, don’t hold back. I’m so tired of holding back. I want to be swept up and get lost in a storm.”

  I can’t help it; my hand squeezes her breast hard. “Becca, baby, don’t give me carte blanche. I need parameters, boundaries, something.”

  “I’m not ready for the whole shebang, Tristan, but I want to be touched and loved without restraint. Give me you with no chains.”

  Hesitating just a brief second was apparently too long because she flips around and pushes me on my back. Her pussy is directly over my cock. I watch in fascination as her arms jerk her shirt over her head, and for the second time in my life, I lose my breath.

  The holy grail of breasts are right there in my face. When she pulls her shirt up her, large breasts catch on her shirt at the last minute, and when it clears her face, they bounce. My eyes follow them and my control snaps.

  Instantly, I flip her onto her back and latch onto her nipple. I can’t even put words to the feeling and taste. A thousand needs, wants, and cravings are satisfied in a split second.

  Her back arches and her head’s thrown back, the absolute vision of beauty. I switch to the other nipple, and at the same time, I slide my hand into her panties. The sound that is torn from her the instant my finger slides over her clit, isn’t a moan, or a scream. It is a soul-deep exhale, the sound of my inner caveman preening like a peacock.