Soul Deep (Triton Security Book 1) Read online

Page 7

  Leaning against the doorjamb, I take her in, every beautiful inch. She hits a particularly high note and I laugh. She looks at me, smiling.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Well, I was reading my book and came to a scene that was…graphic. He had her legs in the air, so I laid down and put my feet in the air to try and imagine it. Then I noticed my toes looked like poo so I snagged my new nail color and went to town.” I walk over and hold her foot as I inspect the blue color. Kissing the inside of her ankle, I set her foot down.

  “We need to talk about Carter.”

  “I take it by the red mark on your face, the chat on my front lawn did not go so well?”

  Slipping my shoes off, I crawl up on the bed with her and lean against her headboard. “Carter is…okay with us. I pointed some shit out to him and he gets it. He’s going through some shit; has been for some time. I think he’ll take some time off, figure it out.”

  “Are you going to expand on that?”

  Playing with her hair, I shake my head no. “It’s his story to tell. What are your plans for the weekend?”

  “Going up to Red Feather to hang out with my bestie, Jace. You want to go?”

  My first reaction is to say no, that I have a ton of work to do. Then I think that it’s been years since I took some time off.

  “Sure. Get some fishing in, little R and R, little C and C.”

  She looks adorable when she’s confused. “C and C?”

  “Cock and Cunt.”

  She slaps her hand over my mouth. “I hate that word,” she hisses. I lick her hand and she screeches. Tackling her to the bed, I stretch her arms over her head. Using one hand to hold both her wrists, I use the other to jerk one of her legs around my hips. “I’m getting in there this weekend, Becca.”

  “Please don’t say it,” she says. “Don’t kill the mood with filthy language.”

  Pulling down one side of her shirt, I bite her nipple through her bra, smiling as she whimpers.

  Leaning down, I put my lips right against her ear. “Becca, baby.” I lick a path down her neck and across her collarbone., “You taste so fucking good. I can’t wait to get my mouth on your pussy, baby. I bet you taste like the sweetest honey. I want your thighs wrapped around my head. I’m going to make you come so hard, you’re going to scream my name so loud, everyone within a ten-mile radius is going to know who you belong to. Then, when I slide my cock deep into your body, I’m going to make you see God.”

  Feeling the shaking in her arms and legs, I look at her flushed face and groan. “Tristan…please!” Resting my forehead between her breasts, I can’t help the groan that escapes.

  “Becca, I have to go. You set some very clear boundaries for this date. No booty. If I stay, if we continue, we’ll fuck.” Thrusting my jean covered cock against her, she arches her back and her hands grip the sheets. The look on her face is fucking beautiful, lost in lust. Kneeling back on my heels, I jerk her hips forward, and Christ, I can’t believe I’m going to dry hump her to an orgasm. It’s like I’m fifteen all over again. Swear to fuck, if I get my hands in her panties, it’s all over.

  “Fuck, I can feel how hot you are through my jeans.” Sliding my hand down, my thumb rubs against her clit one time through her shorts.

  “Tristan!” Watching her come is like watching a symphony, or seeing a priceless painting. Her back is arched so high, I can’t even see her eyes. Her head is thrown back, and swear I hear her sheets rip.

  Watching her recover, I’m gripping my dick so hard, I’m worried about bruising. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to come in my pants like a fucking teenager.


  “Just give me a minute.”

  “You want me to help?”

  “No. I just need to get some semblance of control and then I’ll head home.”

  “You don’t have to leave.” She runs her hands up my arms and I shudder. “If I stay, this will go further than we wanted to for a first date. We’re going to the cabin this weekend, and I’m taking you to pound town.” She giggles, and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world.

  Giving her one last goodbye kiss, I jump off the bed, slide my shoes back on and head out. I’m hard as fucking steel the entire drive home.

  Pants around my ankles, I have my fist wrapped around my cock within seconds of walking into the bathroom. If this is the outcome of thirty seconds of dry humping, my head might just explode once I get inside her.


  I’m at my station at work, walking on air. Lusty air, but air all the same. My first male induced orgasm. If I could squeal at work, I would.

  I turn around and startle when I find Lindsey is in my chair, finger tapping her chin, spinning the chair back and forth.

  “You got laid.” I gasp and blush so freaking bad. I cover my ears to make sure they’re still attached.

  “No, I didn’t.” I know Lindsey, of course, from years of working with her. We have a conversation in passing and laugh at weird clients and shit, but we’ve never bonded in the way of girlfriends.

  “Sort of.”

  “You don’t sort of get fucked. Either you fucked or you didn’t.”

  “He made me come.”

  “Finger, tongue, cock, or toes?”

  “Toes? Is that a thing? I mean, should I be worried he might come at me with his feet? Because feet freak me out big time.”

  “I had a guy come on my toes once,” Jaz says from behind me, causing me to let out a strangled scream.

  “Why do you always grab your boobs when someone scares you?” Jaz asks as she bends over and places her palms on the floor.

  “You’re like a bendy straw, and it makes me kind of hate you a little bit,” I tell her. “They’re sort of ‘Oh shit!’ handles. When I get scared, I have a tendency to punch first and apologize later.” They both grin at me, shaking their heads.

  “So, method? How did he make you sing soprano?”

  “Dry humping, and about a second of fingers over the pants.”

  “He’s a pussy?” I burst out laughing at Lindsey’s comment, damn near peeing my pants.

  “You remember that girl who came in a couple months ago? With the bad home hair dye job that was bright pink?”

  “Man, I cannot believe how well you pulled that out, but yes, I remember,” Jaz says, stretching her arms up and down.

  “You remember the guy that she came in with?” Their shocked faces and dropped jaws are priceless.

  “Him?” Jaz whispers.

  “Yes. His name is Tristan, and I’ve known him for years. Years, apparently, that he’s spent pining for me, and me for him. He never made a move because my asshole brother told him to stay away.”

  “Macho man like that, and he didn’t try and get in your panties? What the hell?” Jaz huffs.

  “Two reasons. One, I’m a virgin, and two, I told him no hanky-panky on the first date.”

  Dead silence.

  “Are you for real? A virgin? Do you, like, still have your cherry?” Lindsey practically yells at me.

  I laugh. “That’s kind of personal, isn’t it?”

  “We’ve worked together for almost four years; we’re past the first blush of friendship. I’ve heard you toot, woman. Now, spill.”

  “Cherry was popped a long time ago by a toy I purchased.”

  They both breathe a sigh of relief. “Thank God. Then you don’t have to worry about the pain and shit. When are you going to hop on that pony and toss the V card?” We both look at Jaz on the floor—legs spread wide, chest to the floor.

  “This weekend. We’re going to my cabin in Red Feather, just the two of us.”

  Lindsey smiles and says, “Buck wild in the woods,” making us all burst out laughing.

  “You need pointers?”

  “I’m all learned up; my bestie is a gay man and he made me watch about fifteen million hours of porn and then pointed out what was real and what was faked.”

  “Protection,” they both say at the
same time.

  “I’m on the pill, and I stopped at Sam’s and bought two value sized boxes of condoms.”

  “Why so many?” they both ask, giggling.

  “I just wanted to make sure I had them, just in case. I put them in my purse, car, shower, the silverware drawer. Oh, and in the laundry room.”

  I’m proud of my proactive preparation for operation ‘pop the cherry,’ “And the end tables in the living room.” They’re both shaking their heads at me like I’ve lost my marbles.

  “You look really cute today, by the way,” Jaz says as she gets up and goes to her station.

  “Thanks. I went shopping and got a bunch of new clothes.” Smoothing my hands down the legs of my pants, I think, yup. I look good today. The wide leg teal dress pant and short-sleeved black shirt look on fucking point.

  My phone pings with a text message.

  Tristan: Hey, there are 20 letters in the alphabet.

  Me: No, there are 26.

  Tristan: Oh, I forgot, U R A Q T

  Me: I think that was corny, but also cute, LMAO.

  Tristan: That’s only 25 letters though.

  Me: Oh yeah?

  Tristan: Don’t worry, baby. I’ll give you the “D” this weekend ;-)

  Me: You’re a nerd!

  Tristan: But you laughed.

  Me: That I did, sir.

  Tristan: I’ll stop by later, bring you lunch.

  Me: Ok. My lunch is at 12:30.

  I dance a happy dance. Hearing chuckling behind me, I turn and find Lindsey sitting in my chair again. She stops laughing and looks at me all serious like.

  “We’ve worked together for what, four years now? And I have learned more about you in the last ten minutes than the entire time I’ve known you. What’s changed?”

  “I’m sorry if I’ve been standoffish, I didn’t mean to be. It’s just that when I moved to Denver, I was a fresh-faced nineteen-year-old with big dreams. After growing up in a small town like Red Feather, moving to a big city was terrifying, and exciting. I thought that when I moved here, my brother would help me…transition, I guess, for lack of a better word.” I shake my head. “He basically ignored me, and for the most part, still does. I started school right away and was very much the odd girl out. The girls in cosmetology school weren’t very nice, to put it politely. It was jarring. I was already struggling to make friends, find my way in the big city. When I started here, I just expected the same, so I just didn’t try. I didn’t want to give anyone an opening to hurt me like the girls in school did. What changed was a couple weeks ago, I made a friend. His name is Jace, and he lives in Red Feather. I was going through some shit and he just picked me up dusted me off, smacking my ass in the process. Opening myself up to a friendship wasn’t as hard as I expected. When I came back, I was determined to step out of the narrow world I’d boxed myself into.”

  “And Tristan? He seems like kind of a dick, to be honest. When he was in here, he made no eye contact with anyone, ignored you and everyone else.”

  “Since the moment I met him, I knew he was the one for me. I know a lot of people might think I’m full of shit, but it was a loaded fucking moment when we first met. I’d walked into my brother’s house after being in Denver for about ten minutes, and I embarrassed the shit out myself. Carter had been having a party, and Tristan was there with his wife. I was scared and so freaked out, I wanted to run, but one look from him and all of that just fell away. I may have only been nineteen and completely innocent, but I saw my feelings reflected on his face. It wasn’t until last night that I found out my brother had forbidden him from pursuing me.” Still beyond frustrated about that little nugget. “It wasn’t long after that I heard that Tristan got a divorce. I tried to get him to notice me, but he put me off. He could’ve said it better, softened the blow a little bit, but he shredded me. After that, I just shut down. It was easier to keep people at arm’s length than it was to open myself up.”

  “So why is he all gung-ho for a relationship now?”

  “We had a miscommunication a couple weeks ago that involved him seeing me naked. Well, mostly awesome naked self. I made him think I was the Samantha of Denver’s Sex and the City scene. He was miffed, you might say. Guess that goosed him. The second I came home from Red Feather, he was in my living room, telling me we would take it slow, but he was going to marry me, make me see God, and then plant a baby in me.”

  I take my finger and close her mouth that had been hanging open for half of my little speech.

  “Jace is beside himself and sees no reason for me to be scared, but I’ve spent so long resigned to a solitary life, that in a matter of weeks, my whole life has been flipped on its ass. Suddenly I have friends, and a boyfriend that’s serious. I’m just trying to stay steady, take each day in stride. My trust in what Tristan and I have right now is fragile. He hurt me unintentionally for years, and I’m used to protecting myself. So, fair warning, I will be verbally vomiting my worries and shit all over you if you let me.”

  “Just let me get a poncho before you go all exorcist on me.”

  I crack up laughing and head to the front to get my first client of the day. Looking forward to life is something new for me, and right now, I’m looking forward to lunch with Tristan. From there, who knows.

  One day at a time.


  Romance wasn’t something I expected from Tristan. He should’ve come with a warning label.


  We’re laying on a blanket in the best spot in the park. He’s leaned back on his elbows, the suit jacket is off and the sleeves are rolled up, showcasing his sexy forearms. He’s quietly studying me, licking frosting off my fingers with a wolfish grin.

  If my panties could sprout legs and sit on his face, they would. “You, mister, are one lusty look away from a public indecency ticket.” I have to look away because my comment does nothing to dull the ‘come fuck me’ vibes rolling off of him.

  He crooks a finger at me. “Come here, gorgeous.” Crawling over to him, he groans, watching my breasts sway. Laughing at his pained expression, I lay down with my head in his lap.

  “Favorite color?” he asks, running his fingers through my hair.

  Turning my head so I can look up at him, I catch a whiff of Tristan and smell his pants like a weirdo. “Are you smelling my pants?”


  “Maybe.” I lose my train of thought when I feel the sun on my face, while he runs his fingers through my hair. My eyes flutter closed, until he makes me jump when he says my name.

  I look up at him with a questioning look. “Color?” I grin at his amused look.

  “Pink. You?” His finger traces around my eyes.


  Drawing circles on his knee, I ask something that has been on my mind for years. “Why did you marry Tess? I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who deserves the title of C U Next Tuesday.”

  If a sigh could take on a life of its own, his would have turned into the Hulk. He looks pained, then confused.

  “See you next Tuesday?” he asks.

  “Not see, like see with your eyes. The letter C, then U…” He cracks up laughing, just like I wanted him to.

  “When I got out of the service, I was a mess. I had all these grand plans for Triton Security, but moving from the military to civilian life was harder than I thought. I was struggling. I thought that when I got out, I would get the company started, date, find a wife and start my family. The company was taking longer to get started than I’d wanted, then Carter started going through his shit, and I just needed something solid. Someone. I met Tess at the gym. She was kind, understanding, and sweet as apple pie. I jumped into our relationship just to have something to hold on to. No one liked her, not my parents, my friends. Hell, even the doorman in our building hated her. I just couldn’t see it; I was blinded where she was concerned. We got married, and that sweet as apple pie woman I thought I knew
had rotted. I stayed married to her because to me, a divorce seemed like a massive failure. Things had deteriorated to the point I was sleeping at the office, or the couch, and I knew she was cheating. Honestly, I was happy someone else was taking care of that. Then this beautiful blue-eyed beauty came into my life and I knew right then that I needed a divorce because I had just met my soul mate.”

  “And then Carter fucked it all up.”

  “It wasn’t just Carter, I had a hand in it too. I could’ve told you any number of things that would’ve kept the hope alive, anything other than what I did. There was so much finality to what I said. I hated that I said it as soon as the words left my mouth. Carter had had a bad night, and I didn’t see a light at the end of his tunnel that didn’t end with a casket.”

  “What the hell was going on with him?” I’m upset that something of that magnitude was wrong with Carter and no one told me. Pissed at myself that I didn’t try harder to connect with him.

  “We’ll talk about it at the cabin this weekend. I need a chance to talk to Carter about it first.” My alarm goes off, signaling the end of our amazing lunch date.

  The rest of my day is spent half on hair, and the other half on what Tristan told me. Will what Tristan says about Carter change my view on things? I need to know that our years apart weren’t totally wasted.


  I’m packed and ready to go for my weekend away with Tristan. I had a panic attack when I called Jace, who ripped into me that this is what I’ve always wanted, and yet I’m waffling. My mental back and forth is driving me crazy.

  I thought briefly about making an appointment at a spa or heading down to my favorite cupcakery and eating myself into a sugar coma, but I’ve never been a runner. Stubborn and hardheaded at times, but never a runner.

  I want my chance with him, I want him period. But that sexy man will have to work for it, and that single thought makes me smile. What’s the point of all this if I can’t have a little fun along the way? I told Jace this and he laughed, said if his kisses made me lose my head, just imagine what his fingers, mouth, and tongue could do.