Accidental Heiress (Welcome to Spartan Book 2) Read online

Page 11

  Opening the door, I’m immediately greeted by Savannah, who to my chagrin, doesn’t recognize me. I grin. “Welcome to Tritan Security. My name’s Savannah. Do you have an appointment?”

  “Yes, I have a two o’clock.”

  Her eyes open so wide, they look like saucers, “S—Shamus?”

  “Yes, Savannah, it’s Shamus.”

  “Holy fuck...I mean…shit, sorry. You threw me for a loop. Let me show you to the conference room.”

  She stands up and wobbles a bit on her heels, smooths out her skirt, and shows me to the conference room.

  “Savannah?” She stops in the doorway and turns. “Thank you,” I tell her.

  Tears fill her eyes and she comes in for a hug. I didn’t anticipate this and my arms stay locked at my sides. I can feel her breasts pushing against my chest, and shit, she smells good. Like lavender and vanilla.

  She steps back and smiles at me and leaves the room. Sitting down, I take some deep breaths as the door opens. A mammoth of a man walks in.

  He does nothing but stare at me for a beat, then he says just a small sentence that makes my whole world stop.

  “We have a lead on the location of your children.”

  All the oxygen is sucked out of the room. I’m furiously blinking my eyes, trying to clear the tears.

  “Are—are they alive?”

  “Yes. All our reports indicate that they are alive.”

  “When can…can we go get them? I mean, why hasn’t someone gone to get them yet?”

  “The problem is that they are currently with someone who’s being investigated by the FBI. They have someone on the inside, undercover, and they’re very close to nailing this whole operation. If we move and they lose everything in this case, it will destroy years of undercover work.”

  I stand up and grip the back of the chair to keep from tossing it across the room. “What kind of operation? What are these guys? Baby thieves or something?”

  “They’re involved in anything skin related—prostitution, black market adoptions, human trafficking, you name it. All indicators right now says that your children are as safe as possible, considering the circumstances. Wilson Drake wanted the kids and your wife for himself. He’s unable to have kids, and when he was unable to lure your wife into a relationship with him, he took her life and your children. They’re at the main compound with his half-sister. Reports indicate that she takes good care of the children, and that she isn’t there of her own free will. She’s doing the best she can to protect them.”

  “How long? How long till they can move?”

  “Could be weeks, could be months. They can’t even give a hint that trouble is coming or they’ll pack up and move the operation. We could lose them again.”

  “Fuck!” I can’t help it. I sling the chair against the wall. Savannah comes running in and practically leaps into my arms. I’m trying to shake her off. I don’t want her hands on me right now.

  “Come on, Shamus, you gotta calm down. I know it’s hard—”

  “You don’t know shit, Savannah! My kids are there alone with a bunch of fucking perverts!”

  “I know, and they have them on surveillance. They’re being watched, and I promise you that if anything looks like it’s going down, the undercover agent has promised to do their best to get them out.”

  “Savannah, I can’t lose them again. I would almost have rather not known until I could get them. Now I know they’re alive and I can’t…I can’t hold my babies.”

  My back hits the wall and I sink to the floor. Savannah’s still stuck to my front and is now straddling my lap.

  “I think it might be best if you move to Denver for a bit. That way, when the call comes in, we can be there quickly. I have a spare bedroom. I’m rarely ever there since I’m always at work. I promise to stay out of your hair.”

  A million things are blowing through my brain. “I can’t. Not right away, at least. Fuck! I have to get my house ready. It’s a fucking mess. I can’t bring kids in there like that. I don’t even have a real fucking job. How am I going to support twins with no fucking job?”

  “One thing at a time, Shamus. You can head home and get your house in order. I’m sure Steven, Roger, Luke, and everyone else will help you get it all setup. Last I checked, there wasn’t a local construction company in Spartan, and I’m sure there’s work in surrounding towns and stuff. Maybe you can start your own company or something. All this is fixable and doable. Let’s just take one step at a time. Start with the house and go from there.”

  I hear the door click shut and we’re alone. I give into the tears as I wrap my arms around Savannah. I’m probably holding her too tight, but I can’t help it. I feel like I’m breaking apart into a million tiny pieces. I sob, and I don’t even care that I’m balling like this in front Savannah. They found my babies.

  Merlin’s Beard


  The afternoon was slow, with only a couple people coming in to chat. Ali’s on her way to pick me up, then we’re going to swing over and pick up Steven. The wedding is in two weeks and I’m so freaking excited.

  Margo should be in to relieve me here in a minute, then we’re heading down to Mitzi’s House of Wedding Dresses to try on my dress.

  Mitzi called me yesterday, telling me it was in. I thank God every day for Steven. Because of him, this whole process has gone smooth as silk.

  The DNA test came back that yes, I’m in fact my mother’s daughter. Every time I think that phrase, it makes me roll my eyes.

  All has been quiet, and Marcus’s little lady friend has apparently moved on to greener pastures. Although, the man she’s shacking up with, according to Todd, is much worse. He’s a lifetime criminal who’s into some shady shit.

  Margo comes in the front door and I laugh. “You get to be my age and been through as much shit as me, you run out of fucks to give.” She winks at me and glides by in knee-high boots and a romper.

  “I’m heading out then!”

  “All right. Have fun, and send pictures!”

  She goes into her office, so I decide to hit up the ladies’ room before the long drive. When I make it out of the bathroom, I hear the unmistakable sounds of people having sex. Thinking that it’s Ali and Luke getting in some last minute nookie before we head out to the bridal shop, I’m stunned when I clearly hear Margo scream out, “DANE!”

  My jaw drops and I practically run outside, just as Ali’s pulling up to the curb. She squeals in excitement when she sees Dane’s car. I head her off before she can go inside, and she frowns at me.

  “Trust me.”

  She narrows her eyes at me, then they pop wide as she starts to laugh.

  “Margo and Dane sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G. Are you fucking kidding me?”

  She’s bent over, laughing her ass off, and I’m somewhat confused. “Is this a good thing or a bad thing?”

  “It was an inevitable thing, and it’s a good thing.”

  She hooks her arm with mine and we get in the car. We swing by and pick up the boys and off to the bridal shop we go.

  When we finally pull up to the bridal shop, my eyes are watering. I have never laughed so hard in my life. Ali’s in fine form today. The jokes and comments about Margo and Dane sneaking around are hilarious.

  My phone beeps with an incoming call and I hold my finger up. Ali, Roger, and Steven all get out and I pick up the call from Parker.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “You going to send me a picture?”

  “Nope. It’s bad luck to see the bride in her dress before the big day.”

  I open the car door and get out. “What about the underthings? Can I see those?”

  “Nope. That will ruin the surprise. How are things going at Shamus’s?”

  “Hard, but good. He’s in much better shape since I got him hooked up with my counselor, and the house is coming together nicely. We’re putting the final touches on all the renovations, then it’s up to you girls to decorate and get all the baby stuff setup.�

  “God, that whole situation is so tragic. I’m so happy they found the kids, but poor Shamus looks scared. He does seem more steady, though.”

  “When I’m done here, I’ll head home and start getting ready for our party tonight.”

  “The joint bachelor and bachelorette party, planned by Ali and your sister. I don’t know if I should be excited or scared.”

  “You and me both. Love you, babe. Have fun.”

  “Love you too, Parker. Shelly’s pulling up now so I gotta go.”

  Shelly gets out of her car. Once she gets to me, she squeezes me in a big hug as tears roll down her cheeks. I hug her just as tightly before I pull away and lead her inside, arm in arm.

  Steven comes up and hugs Shelly. “While Amy’s changing, let’s look at some Mother of the Bride dresses.” He winks at her and she bursts into tears again.

  Steven hands her some tissue from the box he has with him. The man is always prepared. Ali and I head to the dressing room. Bringing my hands up to my mouth, I’m stunned. It’s so freaking perfect.

  “Hurry, let’s try it on. You got your underthings?”


  I start stripping, and once I’m down to my panties and bra, I get ready to step into the dress when we hear the front glass on the door shatter.

  Ali and I look at each other. She pulls her phone out and calls Parker.

  “Where are you, you stupid slut!”

  I suck a breath in through my teeth. For a second, panic sets in, then unmitigated rage. I’m so sick of these stupid fucks ruining my life high.

  I peek out the door as Ali holds onto my arm. I wait until that stupid woman has her back turned. She’s kicking in the doors of the other dressing rooms, so I grab the chair next to me, which is surprisingly heavy, and kick open my door. Before the bitch can get another shot off, I fling the chair at her, smacking the bitch right in the face.

  “Ten points to the bride,” I say, hands in the air. I even give a fist pump. As she’s falling, she squeezes off another round that goes into the ceiling and she hits the floor. The gun goes flying. I stomp my badass self over to her as she scrambles up off the floor and comes flying at me, but my fists of fury have been ignited and I land a solid punch to her nose.

  Blood immediately starts flowing, along with her tears of pain. “You’ve ruined everything I have worked for for three fucking years!” she yells at me. Blood, snot, and tears are running down her face. Resisting the urge to laugh at her is difficult.

  She comes at me again, and punch number two hits her right under her eye. She stumbles back and hits a mannequin, and I advance.

  “I give zero fucks! I’m so sick of you people coming after me for money that was never yours to begin with. The judge even told Marcus that he had no claim, so that fat bastard was stringing you along. I’m getting married in two weeks and I refuse to let you or anyone else get in my way. No more court, no more shootings, and no more fucking screeching! Get lost, you worthless waste of fucking skin, before I really lose my temper and rip your fucking head off your body and shove it straight up your ass!”

  Parker comes running into the store and does a flying takedown and tackles her. He’s up and straddling her back and handcuffing her before I can blink.

  She’s bucking and screaming like crazy about police brutality and lawsuits. Parker looks up at me and does a double take, which makes me realize that I’m standing there in my bra and panties. I smirk at his lustful look. Turning back to the dressing room, I get dressed again and come back out.

  Poor Mitzy. The doors in the store are fucked and there’s a hole in her ceiling, but she’s as happy as a clam.

  “I have always wanted to be a part of bank robbery or something. You just made my day. The only dress that got blood on it was one that hasn’t sold so no skin off my nose. Bucket list, baby. Item number 345 has been marked off.”

  Shelly comes around the corner with a dress, and a distressed Steven is following her. I hug him and tell him that it will be okay.

  “I’m not worried about the stupid girl. You handled it like a pro. Shelly has picked a dress and I know, I know that you told me to let her pick, but it’s just all wrong.”

  I laugh at his pinched expression and sit in the chair to sip the champagne Mitzy brought out. I choke on my first sip when Shelly comes out, bold as you please in a retina burning, bright pink number with a high neck. She looks kind of like a bright pink bell. She puts her hands on her hips and looks in the mirror. “Holy moly, fri-holy. This sucker has pockets. This is it, Steven, and stop wringing your hands. It’s freaking perfect.”

  I just smile at her, because it really is.

  Steven just hangs his head and talks to Mitzy. Parker finally makes his way over to me and picks me up, placing me in his lap.

  “When Ali told me that you went out there to confront an active shooter, I think my heart dropped to my heels. Please tell me that should the unthinkable ever happen, and you’re in this kind of situation again, you’ll hide, call 911, and stay alive for me because I can’t live without you.”

  “I promise. I was just sick of it, and I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt.”

  “Did you try on the dress yet?”

  “No. Psyco Barbie came in before I could get it on. That’s why I was in my panties.”

  “They were very nice panties.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Sure thing, babe.” He smiles at me and I give him a kiss. “Now scram, fiancé. I have to try my dress on.”

  He kisses me again and heads out. I watch his sexy ass as he heads out the door and is out of sight. I clap my hands and slide into the dressing room.

  Looking at it, I think the wedding cannot come fast enough.

  By the Second Star


  I jump, wiggle, and contort myself into a million different positions as I try my hardest to get these damn pants on. I hear a pained groan come from the bathroom door and I look over to see Parker reach down to adjust himself.

  “Don’t even go there, Parker. I told Ali that these pants were ridiculous. Who the frick wears plastic pants?”

  He laughs at me as I try, yet again, to get them pulled over my ass. He turns and goes into the bathroom, only to return with a bottle of baby powder. “Stand up, babe. Let me help.”

  He begins to coat my legs, and once he’s finished, they slide right up.

  “How did you know to use the baby powder? You wear a lot of plastic pants, Parker? Is there something you want to tell me?”

  “Ali texted me and said two words—baby powder. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out what the heck she was talking about until I walked in on your half-naked pants dance. I wasn’t totally sure I wanted to tell you, seeing as I was enjoying the show.”

  I put on my white sleeveless shirt and button it up all the way to my chin, then smooth the lace that runs down the front. Holding onto his forearm, I slip my shoes on and fluff my hair.

  “I’m kicking her ass. I wish she would have told me so I wouldn’t have been jumping around like a lunatic for the last thirty freaking minutes.”

  “I’m buying her a drink.”

  I give him the stink-eye and head into the bathroom to touch up my makeup. I worked up a sweat trying to get these pants on.

  Parker comes in and kisses my neck, making me shiver. “I cannot wait for the wedding to get here. This waiting is for the birds. I want you, especially after seeing your ass in these fantastic fucking pants.”

  Moaning, I thrust my ass back. Parker turns me around and kisses me. I raise my legs, hooking them around his ass. I’m beginning to regret waiting when the pounding on the door starts.

  “Get off her, Parker. The first half of the party is separate and we have to get going!”

  He groans and rests his head between my boobs and I pat him on the back. “Two weeks, baby, I promise.”

  I slide off him and touch up my makeup once again and head out to all the girls decked out. I canno
t even begin to describe the wow level.

  Shelly’s in a black, tight, halter style dress with a pink feather bowa and a sash that says Mother of the Bride. Margo, Cleo, and Willa all match in their short black skirts and matching tank tops that say Aunt of the Bride. Drea’s in black leggings and a bright pink tank that says Future Sister-In-Law. Next to her is Parker’s mom, Judy, and dear God, she’s dressed identical to Margo and Cleo with a future Mother-In-Law sash. Ali walks up and puts a sash on me that says Bride To Be, and a giant inflatable penis. I burst into laughter at the whole group.

  She then proceeds to put a headband on me that has a little penis antenna sticking up, as well as a necklace adorned with penises.

  Parker shakes his head and kisses me before he heads out.


  The boys and I are sitting at Bailey’s, drinking and playing cards. Compared to the girls, we’re a pretty sedated bunch.

  Todd’s surprisingly been on his best behavior. Dad’s sitting with the three amigos, Bruce, Paul, and Walt, who are decked out in zoot suits.

  “So, what’s going on with that girl who shot up Mitzi’s…Tiffany or something? You heard anything?” Luke asks.

  Todd answers. “She tried to latch onto some crime boss in the area and he kicked her ass to the curb real fucking quick. With Marcus gone, she wasn’t going to have a place to stay for much longer and blamed it all on Amy. She’s not only going down for attempted murder and assault, but when they got to the house, they found enough drugs to kill an army. Guess Marcus was dealing on the side, and she was a master shoplifter. There were thousands in goods from stores in the area. She’s going away for a good long time.”

  “Good riddance,” I say

  “Amy really take her down in her bra and panties?” Todd asks, smiling.

  I kick him under the table. “Yes, my fiancée is a badass, and regardless of the situation, seeing her kick the crap out of that dumb woman in her bra and undies is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.”

  “So what exactly are the girls up to anyway?” Luke asks me.